WE are the music-makers, And we are the dreamers of dreams.
(Arthur O'Shaughnessy)

      Pen Wrath     

Friday, July 28, 2006

Friday blues

Sigh. It's the kind of weather that makes my head go "Ouch". Hot and humid during the day, and quite overcast in the late afternoon. As much as I love the rainy days, I'm so glad that it's not raining like there's no tomorrow right now.

I'm spending some time in the net cafes this week, but I sure do miss my 24/7 internet. The connection in the shops I frequent have lapses now and then, which makes listening to Yahoo! launchcast a not-so-pleasing experience. One of the cafes' ISP is blocked for spamming and that sure isn't good news when I want to post something somewhere, and I'm scared to access any sensitive accounts in case spyware and keyloggers are lurking in the background. Double sigh.

Thursday, July 27, 2006

Nice Rats, Nasty Rats: Maybe It's All in the Genes

I wouldn't mind having a tame silver fox at home, but no way would I ever want to raise rats and mice in my menagerie. Not even those cute guinea pigs - one look at those little furballs and my white rag hunter, Niko, will go charging into places he usually dares not tread on. It doesn't help that I sometimes get this urge to put my three-colored must-be-a-Manx-with-that-tail Tasuki on the hunt to test how much domesticity has repressed the killer's instinct in her.

It's nearly the end of July ... and I'm doing my best not to freak out. There's still a lot to cover, and so little time. Oh, my inner crammer, do not let me down!

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Because food is always interesting ... Choice Tables: In Northern Italy, a Crossroads of Culinary Arts.

Monday, July 10, 2006

Anonymous Annoyances, Inc.

Grrr. It's the season for messiness.
It just really bugs me when someone uses my Lounge slot and leaves it all messed up afterwards. S--thead. I don't mind it when my desk is used and and my lamp and bookstand are both askew when I get to the lounge. But I draw the line at picking up after Anonymous Annoyance's garbage. Puh-lease. I'm tempted to do a Fran right now.
And back at the dorm, it's no better. There are a lot of new residents in my wing right now. And one of them has got into the habit of using a particular cubicle and not cleaning up afterwards.
Yep. I don't know how that resident (another member of Anonymous Annoyances, Inc. so far) goes about her business, but that cubicle is on its way to the height of gross. I mean, it gets tidy after the manang does her rounds, but after? Where's the nearest Academy for Projectile Vomiting?
And why can't I double-space this entry?

Wednesday, July 05, 2006


My dorm room is an oven in the making. Hell. The air conditioning has been restored in the Lounge. Blissss. I'm surfing e-bay again for pocketbooks. Delightful. I haven't been to the movies but plan to do a virtual back-to-back in the coming seven days. Almost can't stand the suspense.

Saturday, July 01, 2006

A Post-it world

At three a.m., note-taking can be particularly tedious process - especially when it means that my dorm desk looks as if it's an art project gone awry. I can hardly move my arm without dislodging any of a hundred and one things that have taken over the 60" x 24" processed wood estate.
Codals and commentaries vye for space with scissors, transparent tape, pens & pencils, rulers, erasers, diskettes, stacks of bar review materials, a half-dozen highlighters, a mouse, a keyboard, acomputer monitor and a printer. Add to the mess a cup for milk, my polvoron container, a perfume spray, three hybrid ponkans, my cellphone and my watch. And lest I forget, the nth generation of post-its in and flaguettes to grace my study area since the bar review began.
As I stared down at the mess in front of me, the kind of which I never had any problems with as an ordinary law student, it occurred to me that never before in my whole academic life had I been such a devoted consumer of 3M's products. Sure, I had the occasional adhesive notepad in undergrad, but one pad usually lasted me a sem. In the past few months, however, every time I enter a National Bookstore outlet, I would exit with at least two 3M products in tow.
Notes grace not only my desks at the dorm and in the Student lounge, but also have taken over my computer. When my PC is up and running, the first thing I see on the monitor are yellow electronic versions of the notepads with reminders and schedules and prayers and curses and the minutiae stuff that I absentmindedly scrawl out. The notepad god's presence cannot be denied.