Anonymous Annoyances, Inc.
Grrr. It's the season for messiness.
It just really bugs me when someone uses my Lounge slot and leaves it all messed up afterwards. S--thead. I don't mind it when my desk is used and and my lamp and bookstand are both askew when I get to the lounge. But I draw the line at picking up after Anonymous Annoyance's garbage. Puh-lease. I'm tempted to do a Fran right now.
And back at the dorm, it's no better. There are a lot of new residents in my wing right now. And one of them has got into the habit of using a particular cubicle and not cleaning up afterwards.
Yep. I don't know how that resident (another member of Anonymous Annoyances, Inc. so far) goes about her business, but that cubicle is on its way to the height of gross. I mean, it gets tidy after the manang does her rounds, but after? Where's the nearest Academy for Projectile Vomiting?
And why can't I double-space this entry?
awwww. take deep breaths macel deep breaths.
t0ni: I'm trying to temporarily zen my temper into oblivion, believe me. But I had to face Miss Height of Gross's excreta for the nth morning (well, any hour between midnight and 12 noon is morning)in a row. Eeeuw. But I'm cool right now. =)
hey. leave a note na lang for whoever. i'm trying to think if i've seen anyone sitting there pero parang wala naman. hahaha alam ko antagal na nitong entry wala lang.
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