WE are the music-makers, And we are the dreamers of dreams.
(Arthur O'Shaughnessy)

      Pen Wrath     

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Unlimited storage

The storage meter is history. So Yahoo! says. I wonder when Google's going to make its own "unlimited" announcement?

Monday, June 04, 2007

The Untouchables: Capone Rising

300 star Gerry Butler and Nicolas Cage in The Untouchables prequel? That's two reasons for me to watch the film when it comes out. The Scotsman as Irish cop Jimmy Malone is just fascinating. Unfortunately, Nic Cage isn't on the roster anymore due to scheduling conflicts. Bring him back! I remember The Untouchables from years ago - that is one memorable Mafia movie. Of course, everything else pales next to the Godfather series, but who knows? I still think Cage would have made a great Capone.

Deaths in Malaga (not the Spanish Malaga - the Philippine one)

Just a little footnote on the struggle between some sugarcane farmers and hacienda owners: 2 farmers slain, 6 hurt in Negros Occidental clash.

As the caption to the photograph on inquirer.net says, there is "Blood in the Canefields". Private security guards fired at farmer-beneficiaries of a five-hectare portion of the Hacienda Velez-Malaga in La Castellana, Negros Occidental this morning. There are two deaths as of press time, but then, since when has there been peace in land disputes? The thing is, a little trigger-finger control could never have been amiss. Geez.

Bloody geography. I never knew there was a Malaga here (Velez-Malaga, to be precise).